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Everything posted by iamsj

  1. Oh, now I see. I thought I would be automatically subscribed to the topic. Just followed it manually.
  2. Sorry for replying this late, I was not receiving any email notifications. I am using Python 3.6 by the way.
  3. Can you please just tell me how to do it? I will do it myself.
  4. I tried installing a few modules by doing import pip pip.main(['install', '-r', 'requirements.txt']) but it didn't work. Can an admin please help regarding this? Given below is my requirements.txt file: 'scipy' 'WTForms', 'Flask_Login', 'numpy', 'SQLAlchemy', 'Werkzeug', 'alembic', 'Flask_Migrate', 'Flask_SQLAlchemy', 'Flask_WTF', 'Flask_Mail', 'Keras', 'SimpleITK', 'imageio', 'tensorflow' Thanks.my username is iamsj
  5. Thank you for the quick support. Will surely love to donate more once I am out of college!
  6. Hello admin, I have given a donation of $1. My transaction ID is: 1WG21227HV361145Y The transaction was made a few days ago. I did not know I had to post here. Apologies. Please could you move me to Tommy please? My account username is iamsj Thanks and Regards, Suyog
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