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Everything posted by divid3d

  1. Im trying to INSERT some values into table but i get following error: 42501:permission denied for relation test Could you please allow me to insert values into my table and make selects? host: johnny.heliohost.org User: divid3d_admin db: divid3d_test table: test
  2. Thank you. Now I'm getting error when I use INSERT into table called ''test": 42501:permission denied for relation test
  3. Have a nice day. I have the problem that I can't connect remotely to the PostgresSQL database I've made My connection parameters are: database: divid3d_test user: divid3d_admin host: johnny.heliohost.org getting error: 28000:no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", user "divid3d_admin", database "divid3d_test", SSL off
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