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Everything posted by johnhus1

  1. this is so frustrating and unbearable for me we have never try such thing in our life i take almighty Gd plead you to re-open my account for me please am on knees pleading please
  2. i have never violated any rules and regulation on heliohost.org please why is my account close i have never used it for any phishing site please am on knees i need you people to re-open my account for me please this is so frustrating.all you have to do is monitor it if i use it for any phishing or against heliohost.org terms you can close i swear with my life 100% i have never in life use it for any phishing ok here is my acccount johnhus2 and my email is johnhussuper@gmail.com and my domain is registered on johnny server look over this and re-open my account for me am on knees please.
  3. i have never violated any rules and regulation on heliohost.org please why is my account close i have never used it for any phishing site please am on knees i need you people to re-open my account for me please this is so frustrating.all you have to do is monitor it if i use it for any phishing or against heliohost.org terms you can close i swear with my life 100% i have never in life use it for any phishing ok here is my acccount johnhus2 and my email is johnhussuper@gmail.com and my domain is registered on johnny server look over this and re-open my account for me am on knees please.
  4. yes i know both fter creating the new account i can't be able to access the new cpanel still saying on process till now how many hours will it take.
  5. Dear Sir, Good. In regards to my email sir..i contact you people yesterday regards my suspended account which is johnhus1 and my email johnhussuper@gmail.com and it was resolved my creating a new account for me which is johnhus2 which you people send to my email which is johnhussuper@gmail.com which i created after reating till now i can't not be able to logging and see the cpanel for how many hours now still telling me is on processing wwhich does not sound so good and right please sir kindly check the new created account which you people request which is johnhus2 and why it has not been created in heliohost.org till now this is so frustrating and i hope the problem should be soled by now am waiting for your urgent reply sir.
  6. please why do it still say my account has not yet been created while i have created it
  7. thanks i have seen it in my email and also created it now
  8. with due respect sir is not deceptive at all
  9. Dear Sir, Good Day, Am so happy and please to write to you people i need for re-opening of my suspended account and here is my email : johnhussuper@gmail.com and my account login is johnhus1 please with due regards sir i hope my request will be guaranteed and my acccount re-open again thanks and i await your reply remain blessed
  10. Still waiting your reply sir
  11. Dear sir... I don't mean there I mean on my site host...HTTPS://WWW.densotradecompany-orders/images that's what I mean sir and the settings that cost it is from you people host settings on it please this is my first experience on it correct it over there with you Sir
  12. The site is up yes that's through but when I try to login inside it wrongly it suppose to display me wrong email address as I tested it with my own email address instead of showing nothing please go through the settings of the host and check what you people set there and remove it as I told you this site has never been used for any deceptive illegal things please cross check it and correct it.
  13. Dear Sir.. In regards to my email since you unsuspended this my account it does not seems to work like before I don't know what you did on it which makes me frustrated I wanted to test it and knows weather it works fine before donating my appreciation to you people but this seems worst now...I have told you before my sites is not illegal site and I can prove it for you am really upset right now...how can I host a site through the host you open to me..when I log in mistakes email it suppose to report a statement to me as I programme it which work for me earlier on heliohost.org before it was suspened due to archive I don't check it always please am on knees any thing you people set in my host please bring it back to normal ...if I use or fail the terms please you can suspend me and block me final OK am not happy at here is my username: johnhus1 please look over it if you people can't fix it for me please block this account is of know use to me them...I want if I access my email wrongly it will bring me a written note that I access it wrongly as I was program it which always works for me..look over it sir.
  14. Ok thanks for your help remain blessed
  15. Sir Does it mean the username:Zorhatta can not be reopen or recover again sir.
  16. Dear sir.. I don't get sir have you unarchive the host for me which username:Zorhatta and also unsuspended the domain which is densotradecompany-orders.com if you have solve it and re-open them for me please inform me so I can check it weather is open I await your reply urgently sir.
  17. Dear sir... Please use the old archive username:Zorhatta to unsuspend the host and also unsuspend the suspended domain densotradecompany-orders.com thanks so much and God bless you
  18. The old one that is in archive will be OK by me instead of the new one thanks the old one username:Zorhatta I need this one to be unsuspend thanks so much.
  19. Dear sir.. Please once again do notice that this my account username:Zorhatta was in archeive due to don't always check on it and please I request it to be unsuspended so that it will start working again as it used to be before please
  20. Thanks for your reply sir..it was a domain we bought to put samples of our products and nothing else. It has not been use for any illegal thing only for samples only nothing much please I urge for the host to be unsuspended and start to work again please as the domain is for sample purposes only. Densotradecompany-orders.com
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