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Everything posted by momce

  1. I don't think there is a mess with htaccess. before deactivating, site was working clearly. all the problems have appeared after deactivating. now i can't see any problem with the code of default.aspx and i think heliohost still supports asp.net, so what is the problem, i can't understand :[ now i tried to see the site by shared ip and got this message: "Ahoy! You're seeing this page because HelioHost has not gotten about to installing and configuring your account yet. This process usually takes 24 hours, and once it is complete your website should show up properly. While the account is being created we suggest taking a look at your control panel. Thanks for choosing HelioHost! We wish you good luck with your website. Sincerely, The HelioHost Staff" is it ok then? after 24 hours will everything be ok?
  2. Now it looks as active, but i can't see the content of my site. There is an index list of folders and files. What must i do?
  3. Hi, Here is the information about my account: Username: vaillant Domain: vaillantariza.heliohost.org My hosting account at HelioHost has been suspended as a result of account inactivity. And when i try to reactivate it, comes a message such as; "We're sorry, but we either could not find that account in the database, or it is not listed as inactive. Please contact an administrator if you feel this message is in error." Can you reactivate it? Thanks for care.
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