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  1. That's not the case with Node.js. @filmegoo: You need to download the modules locally using NPM and then compress the node_modules folder to a zip file and upload it to your Node.js folder. After that, extract the file. Thanks
  2. Hello, Could you install expressjs and mysql modules for nodejs in my account? Thanks, Rúben
  3. Ok, thanks.
  4. Hello again, I've setup the node.js but now how can I use npm to install other modules like expres.js. And the how can I use reactjs to my frontend. I've been testing it on my computer. Can I get access to a terminal? Thanks, Rúben
  5. Hello, How can I get access to node.js in Tommy? Thanks, Rúben
  6. thanks
  7. Hello, I would like to get shell access so that i can use git version control. username: filmegoo Thanks, Rúben Neto
  8. Thanks, I hope it is fast.
  9. Hi, I would love to know when can I move back to Tommy, I haven't created an account in Ricky. Can I receive an invitation to enter? Can I at least know in what position am I in the queque, when I check my account status. Or tell me in the comments. Thank You, Rúben Neto.
  10. Couldn't have said it better myself. The only difference is that the final step will likely involve signing up again or requesting a transfer (if you have a Ricky or Johnny account). There's no re-activating accounts because the accounts don't exist. He's seeing the effects of step 2 right now (OS/Software Install and Testing), and can just ignore what his domain shows until the work is complete. If he prefers I can remove the DNS records to get rid of the Index of / page for him. He will not be able to actually sign in until we announce the repairs are complete, he re-signs up, and the account creates. no need to remove the DNS record i understand now. So when we reach step 3 the only thing we have to do is sign in and the account will recreate it self or do we have to sing up? Beacuse i don't want to stay up to 1 AM, i'm from Portugal and when the registration open it is late here. When more question: Will the sparkie server be better than or equal tommy or will be an experimental server like johnny? Thanks, Rúben.
  11. My website is back again: https://www.goodfilmes.tk/ When can i sign in and upload files?? Thanks, Rúben.
  12. ok, thanks.
  13. Hey, at what hour will the maintnaince be done? Thanks, Rúben Neto
  14. Thanks
  15. Hi, I would love to get the backup of my website and mysql databases. My username is: filmegoo My email is: netoruben@sapo.pt I´m asking for help because, when I use https://www.heliohost.org/backup/ , it does not work. It says I do not have a backup? Please help Sincerely, Rúben.
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