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  1. all right, thank you very much.
  2. OK, thanks. Then I wait and I will try in some days
  3. Hello, I had an account in Tommy's server, before the problems happens, and I want to recover the account. What I need to do ? My username is ferastur
  4. ok thanks, I will see where is the problem, but I usually used the sessions and it was working the code before. No problem.. I will check it again. I don't really needs in this project but it could be useful in others. I made a donation for use Tommy, and I will make more donations when my project starts to earn some money. Thank you by your help.
  5. well, I have some questions... is there any upgrade in the service paying it ? I'm trying to publish some apps and earn some money, but I'm starting in the business... let's see if it works. Other question... I have seen the sessions doesn't keep the data in php, the variables lose the information when it reloads the web. Is it possible to use the sessions in php to stay the data ? and other question... is it possible to use the same database by two different users at the same time ? I was working in other servers and it usually works with more than user at once. You can see my job in videolist, it doesn't need databases now but maybe faster if I don't use the last.fm api and I made my own music database. I don't know if it could be better or worst to the server's resources. This is an example of my website does : https://www.videolist.ga/music.php?artist=garbage&album=version+2.0 thanks by your help
  6. yes, it's working. Thank you very much Wolstech
  7. how can I see the hidden files ? it cannot connect with ftp, I'm using the online file manager now
  8. no, I don't see the htaccess
  9. ok I'm going to check this, thanks by the help
  10. I clear the cache but is still not working : www.videolist.ga
  11. ok, I updated the music.php more light, without the search of related artists and withouts albums, I think it will be faster and lighter now. Can you review and unlock the website , please ?
  12. my website has suspended, appstursoft. I asked before if there was a limit of the resorces and you said no. I can delete the part it consumes more resources
  13. ok, I have found it, thank you very much
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