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Everything posted by offerstrick

  1. I created but within how much time domain will be activated
  2. Account deleted Now please send Tommy Invite
  3. I want to change my cpanel as well forum username to "newtrick" Please change it
  4. SSL is still not working
  5. I changed main domain before 24 hours but still showing queuing page. Please check and reply
  6. This error I am getting Internal Server Error 500 The system failed to open the session file “/var/cpanel/sessions/raw/:MGv5HDoEWdgBARga” because of an error: No such file or directory at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/Session.pm line 268, <$socket> line 2. cpsrvd/ Server at cpanel.offerstrick.ml
  7. Why I unable to login on heliohost.org getting error Invalid Login even after entering correct Pwd and username. While I want to access through tommy.heliohost.org also unable to access Also cpanel.offerstrick.ml is not working
  8. The link is not working So you have to manually change the domain Further i had removed offerstrick.ml from addon domain Now i request you to please change main domain to "offerstrick.ml"
  9. I want to change main domain to "offerstrick.ml" and i want to delete additional domain like offerstrick.heliohost.org and offerstrick. offerstrick.heliohost.org Please tell is it possible and if possible then do it Thanks
  10. And from where i can check how many email send through my domain
  11. And the email received not went to Spam it received directly in gmail inbox If Mail went in spam i will stop sending newsletters Now i hope you will increase Daily Email sending
  12. Hi I had Recently Post An Offers Post And i received this email (Email Was Subscribed for newsletter) Please see Mail content: Hello Offers, We have published a new blog article on our website : (Win Free Honor View20) Amazon Quiz Time 27th Feb 2019 Quiz Answers You can view it from this link : https://offerstrick.ml/2019/02/27/win-free-honor-view20-amazon-quiz-time-27th-feb-2019-quiz-answers/ Thanks & Regards, Admin You received this email because in the past you have provided us your email address : Offerstrickcare@gmail.com to receive notifications when new updates are posted. No longer interested in emails from New Offers? Please click here to unsubscribe.
  13. From Subscribe Option In webpage Available in footer here those user enter their email address we will get email addresses from there o
  14. I want to increase to 250 Email Per Day. I want to increase because We send Confirmation email and New post mail to the users. Users can simply Unsubscribe by clicking Unsubscribe button available on every email. Sample of signup email Hi test@gmail.com, We have received a subscription request from this email address. Please confirm it by clicking here. If you still cannot subscribe, please copy this link and paste it in your browser : https://test.ml/?es=optin&db=3&email=test@gmail.com&guid=fusmqk-vafwhp-jfakxg-jbtsmd-ekiprm&cache=zkplby-jcxvln-uvckzl-odgjic-xjkvbl Thank You New Offers Post email Hi test@gmail.com, We Post name <post link> Thank You New Offers <Unsubscribe link>
  15. How many email can i send per day and how can i increase the limit
  16. Yes change fourm name also Thnx
  17. I want to change my username and main domain to "offerstrick" Please change this
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