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  1. Username: allstone Domain: allstone.lt
  2. hi, my account allstone has been suspended. Not sure why. A few days ago it was deemed inactive, so I logged in and it was working, but today it is not. Can anyone unsuspend it? Seems theres no button to do that.
  3. Well, to be honest I am new to all this domain stuff. Let us see how it goes I can always change later, but I am giving lectures for students until January so for now need to keep steady share of pdf files on the hosting, thats it. Thanks for the support, wolstech, you are awesome!
  4. Ok.. uhm, so whats the status of that script I triggered? I mean if I try to add as alias, wont later on that script trigger or something? So, I tried adding an alias, and I got: "There was an error when the system attempted to create the alias. Park::park failed: (XID gpkkby) Sorry, the domain is already pointed to an IP address that does not appear to use DNS servers associated with this server. Please transfer the domain to this servers nameservers or have your administrator add one of its nameservers to /etc/ips.remotedns and make the proper A entries on that remote nameserver." The whole reason was trying not to change DNS servers on my domain. Can it be done without changing my domain DNS to heliohost DNS?
  5. from "allstone.heliohost.org" to "stasauskas.lt" .
  6. Hi, I tried changing domain through http://www.heliohost.org/classic/support/scripts/domain of allstone account to stasauskas.lt but its not changed. Should I execute script again? (dont want to spam it) Not sure what should I do or not do Thanks for any advise.
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