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Everything posted by ivatsa

  1. Please add a subdomain : testseries.ikv.co.in Please change setting for my all websites: no error_reporting for this. E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICT & ~E_DEPRECATED I am getting warnings for php depreciation. my username is : ivatsa
  2. my registered username is: ivatsa
  3. How to add subdomain in the site? Please add the following subdomains. 1. awwtools.ikv.co.in 2. apps.ikv.co.in 3. demo.ikv.co.in 4. api.ikv.co.in
  4. How to add subdomain in the site? Please add the following subdomains. 1. awwtools.ikv.co.in 2. apps.ikv.co.in 3. demo.ikv.co.in 4. api.ikv.co.in
  5. Please add this domain to my account. domain name: iitjammu.work.gd account user name: ivatsa
  6. Please add a new domain to my account. Domain name is: ikv.co.in my account user name is: ivatsa Also please share the name servers or A record to point my domain name.
  7. Kindly unarchive my account Username : ivatsa
  8. Kindly Unachieve my account if possible. Thanks in Advance! User id : ivatsa
  9. Hi, My account has been Queued also getting SSL error for my add-on domain. I would like to continue using this account, can you please activate it? Account username: ivatsa Server: Tommy Thanks in advance,
  10. Server : Tommy Also getting SSL error Domain Name: aurangabadnow.in Kindly fix it soon
  11. I tried with all possible different internet connection... But getting timed out error... https://tommy.heliohost.org:2083 is timed out... I think problem is with my account...
  12. Tommy Server Down since 2 hours. Unable to access cpanel also. Facing this types of issue first time. Help needed!
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