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Posts posted by victord

  1. Hello!
    Before anything else, I would like to congratulate you for the excellent work and dedication you put into HelioHost.

    I would like to ask a question:

    Before, when using CPanel, I made a donation to get Server Tommy and to prevent my account from being suspended.

    This week I received an email saying that my account would be suspended due to inactivity and that I should log in to avoid it.

    The question is:
    Old donations are no longer valid?

    In any case, I would like to make a new donation to collaborate with the service. Where can I do it?

    On the webiste it appears that donations are closed.


    Username: Victord1


    Thanks for your help!

    Best regards!

  2. Hi Heliohost!


    I have a question regarding angular application deploy on Tommy server.
    Is there currently a guide or correct way to deploy?
    Try to do it today by following the guide on this page: https://wiki.helionet.org/tutorials/node.js
    I did the build of the angular application, to have the index.html files and others.
    I managed to successfully start the node server, and through express, I send the index.html file through the following instruction:
    app.get ('/ *', (req, res) => res.sendFile (path.join (__ dirname + '/dist/index.html')));
    Locally it works perfectly when I run "node app.js" command, but placing the files on the server works partially since it opens a blank web page and correctly loads the name of the application in the browser tab, but does not load the application as such. In the browser console, I have too some errors (as showed in attachement post-166096-0-90436000-1616534787_thumb.png).
    In the attachement the code I use.
    Do you have any suggestions for me?
    Thank you very much for your time.
    I take this opportunity to congratulate you for your excellent work!




  3. Today, i delete some files in my server, and some minutes after, I loss conection to my webpage www.calculadoraNutricional.tk


    I look in alias and no show anything, but if i try to add again the alias, the site says: that alias is already added...


    Please, help me turn up again my site :(

  4. Im trying to configure my email account in Outlook local application.


    A think I make something wrong :(


    Please, unblock mi IP    :)


    And... I do not sent emails from my account admin@calculadoranutr..............,  I recive a message that say Mail derivery failed. Please help :)

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