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Everything posted by igoreck

  1. Hello, My account has been deactivated since I was inactive, unable to update my website due to lack of free time. I'd like to request it to be reactivated (both my account and website domain at Tommy). Thank you!
  2. Hello, I haven't logged on my account for over 30 days and Id like to request a reactivation My username is "igoreck" or "igoreckert2@gmail.com" And my website is on Tommy (igoreck.heliohost.org) Thank you in advance!
  3. Sweet, it's working now. Thank you again!
  4. I'm experiencing an issue with SFTP since the website has been moved to Tommy. I can't log into SFTP using the new server nor the old one.
  5. Thank you very much.
  6. Hello. My host is currently on Ricky and I'd like to transfer it to Tommy. My account name is "igoreck" and I've just made a donation to HelioHost (transaction ID is 3VY86471DJ7491113). Thanks in advance.
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