Hello Heliohost team, I placed a donation on 8/9 and never received a Tommy invite. It may be because I've had a Tommy account with this email preveiously, but that account no longer exists.
Account created successfully. Ran into an error when trying to add the addon domain aa-adventure.info (XID f8dva9) The domain “aa-adventure.info” already exists in the Apache configuration. Thank you for your help.
Used the invite to set up a new account yesterday. Username: coyotel Domain name: coyotelabs.net I am still getting the message on the account status page "There is no account in our database that matches that username."
My site was suspended probably due to the AnonymousFox hack. I see that you can't reactivate these accounts for security reasons. Can I get an invite to set up a new account? User: coyotela Server: Tommy Domain: coyotelabs.net
Received the invite. Thank you. Is is possible to delete my old account under Stevie so I can set up a new one on Tommy? it was set up using my forum email address. User: coyote
I'm posting regarding an "invisible" database as per this news post http://www.helionet....8-stevie-mysql/ User: Coyote Server: Stevie Database: coyote_wordpress Thank you