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Posts posted by Layneee

  1. My website got suspended (colorizer.heliohost.org) and was hosted on Tommy. I don't think it violated a term of service, because it was just a school project.


    If it was for the server load, I'm sorry but i gave the link to some friends and they probably overused it, if you could unsuspend me i will set it to offline until i actually need it for school.


    I'm really sorry if I used too many resources, won't do it again.

  2. After doing some tests, i found out that the only python modules not working are the modules that recently got installed after my request (on this thread)a couple of days ago.

    Maybe there was a problem with the installation?

    I really don't know what else to try, it just give a 500 internal server error without giving any clue on what happened, and without accessing the server logs it's impossible to understand what isn't working (i tried to print the error with cgitb, but unsuccesfully.

  3. It's me again, Layne.

    I asked if you could install some Python libraries a couple of days ago and you helped me out immediately, so thank you for that.

    Today i tried to start working with Python on my web server but i can't get it working, this is what i did:

    I created a new Python script called test.py on my cgi-bin directory, following this guide

    Everything was working fine until i tried to import some libraries which should be installed in the Python version.

    When i tried to import tensorflow, keras or scikit-learn, i get a 500 internal server error, but it works fine with other libraries (i tried lazy).

    These libraries should be installed in the version i'm using, because they are in this list, so i really can't understand the problem here.


    This is the code i wrote:

    import os
    import random
    import lazy
    #import keras not working
    #import tensorflow as tf not working
    print("Content-Type: text/html\n")
    page = """
    this is a test

    Thanks in advance

  4. What are the exact packages needed, and what Python version are they needed for?

    So the version i'd need is the 3.6 (which is already installed) with the following packages:

    • OS and random (which should come with the default version of Python
    • Numpy (which is already installed)
    • tensorflow
    • keras
    • skimage (also called scikit-image)

    Thanks for the help!

  5. I think someone else already has those packages?

    I don't know what server you're on so check these links if they are already exist.

    If the name of the package is there, its written next to the link.


    Tommy 2.7 - None

    Tommy 3.7 - Numpy 


    Ricky 2.7 - Numpy

    Ricky 3.6 - Numpy 



    Johnny is down


    @Krydos The ricky 2.7 link still shows Tommy /bin/python installed modules:[/size]


    I'm in Tommy.

    There's only the Numpy package unluckily, is there any way to get the others?

  6. I'm sorry if this is a silly question, i'm a total beginner on running Python on a web server.

    I'd like to run a Python script that requires some packages (such as Numpy, tensorflow, keras).

    Is it possible to install them on the Python version installed on the server? How do i do that?

    Locally i'm just giving the location of the Python version with all the package installed in the first line of the script (#F!:\Programs\Anaconda\envs\tensorflow\python.exe), how can i replicate it in the web server?


    I saw a lot of posts about it but didn't find the answers.

    Thanks in advance.

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