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  1. Yes
  2. Still unable to login, but my website is online. user: aleal domain: http://andre.lc
  3. login: aleal website: http://andre.lc my website is offline and when I try to reset and turn on again, I recive this msg "Unable to login with that username and password."
  4. I know the clients, visiting one by one
  5. i've a fisical list of email, visiting the clients one by one at street
  6. In this email (the same I sent), i'm telling about the new service (floor plans humanization) and I'm prospecting clients for a new jobs. https://ibb.co/j8FXp7
  7. I work with some artchitecture services. So, when I start new seasons of services, I send some emails to my clients. Yesterday I sent 113 emails, and I have other list with 500 emails :|, but if the limits is only 50/day, ok .. ps.: my website still suspended
  8. The IP address xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx has been blocked for trying to log in to cPanel with the wrong password too many times. To prevent this from happening again in the future please make sure your username and password are correct. You won't be able to continue to cPanel until an admin unblocks you. To request that your IP be unblocked please visit I was suspended to access the cpanel, ftp and all the others.. So, now whe I've unsuspended, I got this msg at the HH panel Login: alc Server: Johnny
  9. Hi, I've created a website of my portfolio to send some emails to my clients. Yesterday I sent 113 emails and was instantly suspended ( login: alc domain: andre.lc server: johnny emails per day: 250 please
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