Username: jivey3d
Default Domain Name:
Addon Domain:
From my topic in the customer service forum
I am having trouble trying to add a domain to my account. I had an account earlier that got deactivated and then deleted due to inactivity, but had that domain as an addon. I tried signing up again with that domain as the main domain. I got an email saying:
Your hosting account at HelioHost has encountered an error during installation. The error is:
Sorry, a DNS entry for already exists, please delete it first (from all servers in the dns cluster)
Please visit and try to signup again.
I tried signing up with a normal subdomain, but when I try to add the domain as an addon domain, I get the following error:
There was a problem creating the addondomain. Show Details
Error from park wrapper: is owned by another user.
When I enter the domain in question into my browser, I get the heliohost account queued page.