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Professor Ralph Highmist

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Everything posted by Professor Ralph Highmist

  1. im sorry grammer not a strong point for me im more vocal. =( guarantee ?? no one can do that. sorry.
  2. oh there isnt a paid hosting form? lol oh well anyways as i said last post this conversation kinda getting off the point and i think ppl are thinking to deep into a very simple thing, i am still gonna use the landing page from helios but i have found a reseller program that gives $5 per signup (30days min usage) also after if they buy full account (while using there free one) i get 50% of the cost for the first year purchase. this will allow me to do what i want and finally buy a full helios account (for myself) not a bad deal considering everyone i will be sending to this company, as i was trying to explain here, are doing it themselves to eventually BUY as they want to sell there products in Secondlife and well the web allows a faster ONE place Shop for alot of things also has the ability to have a Ecommerce module or something that can assit in page creation and sales for them. anyways im rambling again. lol thanks anyways for the FAST support and service Its Great to see this and no i will NOT DISCLOSE THE COMPANY here i like helios and i still want them for myself.
  3. Its okay fellahs, have a thought last night ill just teach them local installations and ill refer you as a piad hosting... that will make sure no one comes here unless they are buying. sorry for long msg back and forth. that will be easier for you. thanks for the replys, i can now also add the the support for this service is great and fast response =) have a good day
  4. Well not exactlly yet for the purchasing as i dont have the money lol but i will eventually as im sure this venture will take off.a Do you do a reseller program? i have 3600 contacts willing to come here at my demand (students from my class) to setup up there first wordpress site for the In game world characters, now i wont be just directing them your way and calling it a day i will be showing them all your companys features and as most in the past when i have mentioned this and asked such question, normally im responded with yes we have a resellers program and if you manage to get 10 ppl who take a full account (not free one) they would in turn give me a paid account for the year or something due to the fact i just made them way more then the loss of 1yrs worth of service.. do this make any sense? if not we can stop there and ill say thank you for the domain change. if you do let me know your response and we can work from there. ill await your response.
  5. I sorry i have been away from a pc for sometime as of now though i will be running a wordpress class and i want to use you as my main hosting company (soon to move to a paid subscription) OLD ONE - projectmongoose.co.cc NEW ONE - prof-ralph-highmist.co.cc i have already told CO>CC for this change and i know it wont be available for 24-48hrs which is fine. Thanks for your time
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