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Everything posted by fjutwkz

  1. Sorry I set up mail forwarding. It is indeed not this email address, it should be 760099879@qq.com
  2. My account has been stolen and cannot be recovered via email. There are many domain names that do not belong to me in the root directory of the host. And I have been unable to log in. The original website of the host is still normally accessed. username:mengziemail:redblue9771@outlook.com
  3. I have successfully returned to Tommy. Now,request to release old domain from DNS cluster old domain: redblue.heliohost.org old username: fjutwkz Everything on the old account has been saved and it can be released. Thanks for everything here!Welcome Tommy back! From flazepe: Please change his main domain to redblue.heliohost.org.
  4. fjutwkz

    Tommy Upgraded

    I urgently want to go back to Tommy and start using nodejs.But I have not received the invitation yet.
  5. fjutwkz


    I want to know if there is any plan to support Go?
  6. fjutwkz


    Now, how do I get back to my Tommy account?
  7. Do I need to manually delete the account now?
  8. I'd love to have you help me. Don't worry about the data, it's all tested. Give me the login information to the email address, thank you very much. On the other hand, we can communicate through discord.
  9. It's a great honor to be able to use heliohost. I want to move my server and make a user name change. Specific as follows Paypal id:874391968S601490N My username:fjutwkz Changed to:redblue Server:ricky Changed to:tommy (If the domain name changes to redblue.heliohost.org as well.) Contact: 760099879@qq.com thanks!
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