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Posts posted by dressdoc

  1. You are getting this error because you are trying to access the mysql from your local computer. So to enable use of mysql from local computer you need to add a ip address to remote mysql. As remote mysql allow only certain ip address to connect with, by default it is blocked. If you want to allow connection from any ip address, you need to enter a wild card entry. In that case you can use %.%.%.% and save the remote mysql ip. Now try to connect to database.

  2. okay i will try to provide every mail example:

    Like when user creates an account, for email verification we are sending an otp on user's email


    Your verification code is: 123456

    Please enter this verification code for successful account creation on dressdoc.

    If you are having any issues while creating your account, feel free to contact us by replying to this email.


    Thank You,

    Dressdoc Team,

    Email: support@dressdoc.com


    If user face any issues, i can not say what he/she will write to us.


    In our previous system, we are not verifying user's emails, so we are receiving bookings from fake email id.


    Secondly we want to use this email service for successful booking placed and order summary.


    When user successfully placed a booking, an email goes for informing him/her with booking details


    Dear user,

    Thank you for using Dressdoc.

    Your pickup is scheduled successfully. Our delivery boy will get back to you in couple of hours. So sit back and relax.

    Booking Details:

    Booking No.: 1

    Pickup Date and Time: 30/03/2018 04:56:00 PM

    Delivery Date and Time: 31/03/2018 04:56:00 PM


    Thank You

    Dressdoc Team

    Email: support@dressdoc.com


    For oder summary, i can't predict now, because it's based on type or order. For support, we want to resolve customer queries of any.


    We are sure that we do not need email for advertisement/marketting.


    That's why i posted the mail() function issue, because we need emails and our emails were going to user's spam folder. We think of pirchasing gsuite for it, but we don't have enough money to do so as we are not earning from our service. Now i think i included most of the information about this. Krydos please reply with your decision.

  3. For advertisement purpose we have facebook, google plus, twitter and linkedin accounts with us and as i told you we only need to provide services to hostel students only and so we are promoting our website ourself. If you have previous account mail data, you can see that as well. We have not send any email for our advertisement.


    We are offering this service at no profit no loss. I think this is enough description of how we are going to use email service. Else it's up to you. If you need more information you can surely tell me.

  4. We are students and just done with our graduation. So we started a startup called Dressdoc - Online Laundry for students living in hostel. So, we took laundry pickup bookings from our users. When users submits a form, we generate a mail for informing user for successful booking scheduled with the booking details for future/support reference. Apart from these we need emails for providing order summary, service complaints and email support to our users. We do not want to use emails for advertisements.

  5. i am generating a let's encrypt ssl certificate. So for domain verification i added two txt records. When i try to verify them it will show this error message "No TXT Record Found. Make to set the TTL to 1 second or if you cannot set the TTL then you must wait the TTL (in seconds) so it updates before verifying the domain. Contact your DNS provider if unsure."

  6. thank you. Just one more thing


    Yes, we recommend sending no more than 50 emails per day otherwise you risk being throttled or suspended. If you have a valid reason to send more emails than that you can be whitelisted for a larger amount, but you have to answer some questions and provide some data first.

  7. Yes, we recommend sending no more than 50 emails per day otherwise you risk being throttled or suspended. If you have a valid reason to send more emails than that you can be whitelisted for a larger amount, but you have to answer some questions and provide some data first.

  8. Thanks you so much krydos for solving my problem, Gmail works fine now but outlook is still blocking. I am requesting for account reset because i did some settings in cpanel to use third party email providers. Now i forget what changes i made to the account settings.


    I can answer your every questions and can provide you data as per your requirements. 

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