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Posts posted by stvef

  1. I've lost access to that email, but I've least corresponded using a Gmail address when I set up the VPS?

    Apologies, I assumed it was just autorecuring without fail.


    How can I set this back up and have I lost my databases?


    Also how is my private domainname redirecting to a heliohost site (strange coincidence hosted here too?) That site it redirects to, is not related to me in anyway.


    Also my main stvef account is disabled due to inactivity (where I believe I configured to use your nameservers)... The link to reactivation script redirects to a general heliost page.



    Can have my accunt re-enabled and stop that redirect, and continue the donation to get acces back to the VPS.

    Have I lost my hosted data?



  2. yeah thats fine, if it can be done  it's the lack of time to do that, which prevented me from doing this already of the other vpn i pay for [putting the webApp on there], the custom program I mentioned is runing on that vpn (it updates the database with new game-server info), and will (have to) move all the stuff on there, over myself.  



  3. I'm glad I checked back here first,

    I was just about to buy one of your windows server packages... but the licence info is currently a bit of a deal breaker as some custom software to be used on it is windows only, at the moment.


    However, Is the licence purchase, allowed to be done elsewhere?,i.e  entering in a licence key, that is purchased elsewhere, for example, there are much cheaper keys available at https://www.softwarekeyclub.com/windows-server-2019-standard-serial-key-p1725124.html

    which seems to be legit



  4. Thanks, I didn't realize this.  I already pay for a server at cheap-vps-hosting  (on address server1.efservers.online) but lack of time has prevented me from migrating the site and databases, but I think I will move to you as you are just as cheap but they only offer minimal storage that has been causing me problems,  as I run a game server from it (relating to the website - it's a web app for locating and logging Star Trek Voyager Elite Force servers/players and their activity, etc)... I assume there is no issue of using the VPS like this?


  5. Not sure what you mean, I was using stvef.ga in php, now localhost. eg:


    This worked before the move to tommy:



    but now doesn't work!, however, this NOW does:



    I have changed my php code to now use localhost (I vaguely recollect that I had the opposite problem on Jonny, hence why I didn't use localhost originally).

    However, it seems this only works on certain pages, eg players.php.... most of the others still won't work.. really confusing inconsistent behaviour!


    Also, the error changed from 'unknown database' to Warning: mysqli_connect(): (HY000/1045): Access denied for user 'stvef_***'@'tommy.heliohost.org' (using password: YES) in /home/stvef/public_html  Shortly after I posted the previous post


    EDIT: Seems to ALL be working now (using localhost only)

  6. I am getting error on the page:

    Warning: mysqli_connect(): (HY000/1049): Unknown database 'stvef_..........

    The database is present when I log in, so exists but the php script running server-side can't find it?

    Maybe this will resolve itself?




    If I use 'localhost' instead of 'stvef.ga' in the mysqli_connect function, it works... I'll just change it (it worked before). Thanks

  7. sorry, I thought I had that anta account hosted elsewhere, and don't actually use it (you can probably tell) I might have logged in with autologin earlier.

    I can delete the anta, but I am still in a strange position, more so as about half hour ago, I was sent a Tommy invitation!

    I just want my stvef on Tommy as I am always getting complaints from visitors due to it often not even loading or MySQL overload errors etc.

    So can this be done for me if I delete anta? (I haven't yet as I'll be causing more problems for myself if I delete this/'my' tommy account!)

    Incidentally, its strange you received payment from that email, although it is a backup email, my PayPal address is correo....@



  8. Sorry, confused.. I donated earlier today in order to skip the hastle of moving manualy etc... had to put request here after a delay, due to having to register on the forums separately etc.

    I do not want an additional account, I just want the stvef moved, as stated. 

    Not sure if the donation page created it? in either case not sure what to do now, as I want the account i have had for months on the tommy server, nothing else

    I just checked my emails and since paypal message, nothing from heliohost except the forum signup I had to do, nothing about donation used for anything.

    So how can it be that "that donation has already been used to create a Tommy account" ?


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