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  1. I'm trying to deploy a new war file, and it appears to be stuck on "Java deployment pending. Refresh the page to check the status." Can someone please trigger the deployment? Thank you
  2. Gpgagolf.com Runs on tommy. Been down for hours. Please take a look. I just tried from an incognito browser session and I continue to get a 503 error.
  3. My site on tommy is still inaccessible. Can you please take another look?
  4. Same with my tomcat app. Need to get it restarted as soon as possible, please. Getting complaints from users.
  5. The URL is https://ukalumni.heliohost.org/gpgagolf/ I'm running a java web app w/postgresql backend. The database is up and running, but I can't connect to the website.
  6. Is there anyone who can take a look at this?
  7. I'm trying to dump my postgresql database, and all I get is an empty file. I'm in phppgadmin: postgresql: ukalumni_gpga I select Structure and Data and then Export. I have tried both Copy and SQL, both Show and Download. Always get an empty file. Username: ukalumni Server: Tommy Domain: ukalumni.heliohost.org
  8. One last thing I don't understand. When I uploaded ukalumni_gpgagolf.war, the deploy screen shows that I uploaded gpgagolf.war. That appears to be accurate since http://ukalumni.heliohost.org/gpgagolf/ works (after manually editing the URL), but I don't understand what's happening since you said that my username is prepended to the war file, but in this case it looks like it is being removed.
  9. Thank you. Concerning the http and https using twice as many resources, can you just disable the http then? I need https, but I don't need http. As for the war file name, when I go to http://ukalumni.heliohost.org/gpgagolf, the browser url changes to http://ukalumni.heliohost.org/ukalumni_gpgagolf/ and I get the 404 error. However, when I edit the URL in the address window by deleting the 'ukalumni_' so that it just reads http://ukalumni.heliohost.org/gpgagolf/, it works. Based on your explanation, I don't understand why it ever works without the username prepended to the war file name. There isn't anything in the war file that is reliant on the war file name. I changed the name of the war file to ukalumni_gpgagolf.war and uploaded it, but the url http://ukalumni.heliohost.org/ukalumni_gpgagolf/ still doesn't work. Can you tell me what I'm still doing wrong?
  10. Okay, another issue related to this. In my first post above, I said this link works: http://ukalumni.heliohost.org/gpgagolf (spelling it out so that you can see the differences) http ukalumni . heliohost . org / gpgagolf However, when I click it, I get taken to this URL (and receive a 404): http://ukalumni.heliohost.org/ukalumni_gpgagolf/ (http ukalumni . heliohost . org / ukalumni_gpgagolf ) Why does http://ukalumni.heliohost.org/gpgagolf turn into http://ukalumni.heliohost.org/ukalumni_gpgagolf/ when it is clicked?
  11. If I go to https://ukalumni.heliohost.org that URL works. However, if I try going to https://ukalumni.heliohost.org/gpgagolf I get a 404 error. However, regular http works http://ukalumni.heliohost.org/gpgagolf So how do I get the secure url that includes my java application to resolve correctly?
  12. I asked to have my service moved to Tommy, which you guys did. Can you open postgresql access for me on Tommy and remove it from Johnny, please?
  13. Thanks for your help.
  14. I donated $20 via PayPal. The confirmation number is 1VA97808KL2442727. My account name is ukalumni. I need to be able to run a java web app along with a postgresql database, so whichever server would be best for that configuration will be great. Thank you, --Michael
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