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Everything posted by aliga

  1. Thank you sir which may be considered spam but actually to give a reaction to a friend's post automatically. but I will not use it again. I'm afraid of violating again so, I want to ask is it allowed to login using Access Token App from Facebook? I use it to get some info from user. if not I will change login with username and password (not username/password facebook)
  2. sorry if I break the rules, but can I get my account back? it's a bot script but I'm sure I never send spam I will not use bot anymore and will delete similar scripts
  3. it looks like I'm using a lot of scripts and large images, overall maybe 10MB+ if that's the cause I can make it smaller and throw out unnecessary resources, or the number of rows in the database becomes the cause? if that's not it please let me know, so i can fix it soon. thanks
  4. thanks, i will disable cronjob, i think that's the cause
  5. a. aliga b. johnny c. aliga.heliohost.org
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