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Everything posted by oatmealh

  1. OK -- thank you thus far.
  2. byron was correct -- inside the cpanel mail menu is a mailing lists option... mine 'stuck' for lack of a better term
  3. Sorry - I do have unlimited amounts of patience so no worries. I would have contacted you officially but the support forums were the only method i've accessed on your site easily so far as far as contacting you is concerned. Again, take your time and thank you for being here in the first place. Professional website hosting of your level or capability is unheared of in general and I am thankful to have found what I have so far. I would go so far as to request a banner for my website (religious / spiritual) for free of helio if you so choose. Again, thank you. - Chris
  4. Actually i went from .01mb of disk space to this message if you want something to look at on your end: Sorry for the inconvenience! The filesystem mounted at / on this server is running out of disk space. cPanel operations have been temporarily suspended to prevent something bad from happening. Please ask your system admin to remove any files not in use on that partition.
  5. *bump* for the day - last post Please email if you ever get around to helping. Thank you so much!! Sincerely, - Chris
  6. username: oatmealh domain name: oatmealh.heliohost.org Thank you for your time. Sincerely, - Chris complexmathematics@gmail.com
  7. Any chance in getting a response to this sometime today? THANK YOU!
  8. I cannot get my mailing list to start. Here is the perminant error i'm receiving. I've even tried adding a subdomain just in case to see if I could get a fresh template in cpanel: Mailing List Maintenance Mailing List Created Unable to create tope mailing list. --- Any suggestions? Thank you for your time, - Chris
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