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  1. Many many thanks. Now I can proceed with database settings. Great I am very happy now Thanks a lot.
  2. Thanks admin, I have done what you proposed. I have removed the old war (Blogging-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT) and added a new one (mlepage_blog) yesterday. Today the deployment is still pending and the old website is still available at http://lepage.heliohost.org/Blogging-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT/ where I still have the problems with not accepted cookies. The new website http://lepage.heliohost.org/mlepage_blog is still not available. Could you please remove the old deployment of Blogging-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war manually and have a look why the new deployment is still pending? Could you please tell me if the server context.xml has the flag httponly set to "true or do you think that your proxy change solved the issue? Many thanks.
  3. Thanks - I have uploaded a new war but the war deployment is pending since hours. Could you please delete the pending one or retrigger the depoloyment than I can tell you if it s working. When its finished the following link should not ask for cookie enabling anymore. http://lepage.heliohost.org/Blogging-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT/#!login The deployement is pending but I was able to check the link above. The message that cookies should be enabled still apears. Maybe you can check the link by yourself. Many thanks
  4. Account username: mlepage Thanks wolstech it works now. But my application is not working as expected as it requires cookies to work. Do you know if there is a general issue with cookies? I have enabled cookies on my browser and tried it with different browsers. Are there any issues in the context.xml (server side) regarding cookie restrictions, for example setting HttpOnly true? Link: http://lepage.heliohost.org/Blogging-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT/#!login Many thanks.
  5. Account username: mlepage Domain: http://lepage.heliohost.org/Blogging-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT/#!login destination server: Tommy Hello, My application is not working as it requires cookies to work. Does someone know if there is a general issue with cookies? I have enabled cookies on my side and tried it with different browsers. Are there any issues in the context.xml (server side) regarding cookie restrictions, for example setting HttpOnly true? see website above. Many thanks.
  6. Many thanks for switching to Tommy. My understanding is that java has to be active - status: Your account is in the queue to receive java support. It should be installed soon. ... and my "war file" can be uploaded via filemanager to --> etc --> lepage.heliohost.org thats it to have the first java application I guess. Ok will have a look tommorrow as I have not status ok with java yet. If I am happy with all the stuff at the end I will for sure donate more. Many thanks.
  7. Transaction ID: 5203-3654-2756-2013 Account username: mlepage Domain: lepage.heliohost.org destination server: Tommy Many thanks admin
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