Simion B
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Everything posted by Simion B
User: simionb (churchillmanagement.heliohost.org) I have set up a secondry parked domain through cpanel. I can receive mail on my primary parked domain without any issues. However, the second domain can send mail fine, but can not receive, test emails are bounced back 24 hours later. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Regards, SimIon
I'm guessing all this is a few problems integrating charlie into the system?
I am having trouble logging onto my site from certain ip addresses cpanel works on one but then neither my site or cpanel loads from another. All i get is host not found. Any assistance would be grateful my site is http://www.churchillmanagement.heliohost.org and account name is simionb. Thanks in advance, Simion
Sound like you've got quite a bit of work ahead of you! If i could lend a hand i would, shame my linux experience is strictly 'nOOb'. Good luck getting Charlie online. Cheers, Simion
OK, sounds good let me know if things get sorted out, as it's becoming a bit of a chore sometimes trying to upload. Thankfully it's in the night for me, so i can get most things done in the morning. When is charlie coming online? It will probably make the work load a bit easier on the server with hopefully less down time. Thanks Simion
is there always some kind of problem with stevie overnight? (GMT+2) i seem to be having problems every second or third night while trying to update my site. Is this a server wide problem or just something with access to my own. i can log on to cpanel fine but loading the site or ftp'ing just gives a 404 or timeout. please can you look into this issue for me. Thanks in advance, Simion
yeah thanks everything is all good now. it was a bit annoying there for a while but all sorted now. thanks
After multiple attempts today from 1700 CET i have been have problems with cPanel loading after login, FTP access through Dreamweaver constantly disconnecting and timing out. Also on top of that my site seems to load one minute and not the next. What exactly is happening with the server today?
any idea when this will be resolved?
thanks again fella i've been a bit off with things the last few days. bit too much beer i think, [bleeped!] beer festivals
i've been waiting all day for my account to be reactivated, do we have any idea when i'll be able to use my site again?
thanks mate all set up fine now. that was doing my nut. comes up with account queued page now. i can rest easy now. you've been of great help, most admins take days to respond to simple things like that.
yes that will be great. you are a star mate. so that should be ready to start using about this time tomorrow then?
that sounds like a better option to me, how would i go about setting it up that way?
there are no options to use name servers with this domain. do you know of any other free domains which i can register an account to with *.uk or .uk.* that will be easier to set up with heliohost?
The domain for that username is: churchillmanagement.uk.tt yes i know my domain name. at the moment that is still redirecting to my old host http://simbar0.freehostia.com. what i'm looking to find is the url of my heliohost for my domain to redirect to as i prefer to use url redirection from my uk.tt domain
my username is simionb
I know it seems a strange question but how do i find my url for my domain to forward to? i'm having a bit of trouble working it out. I assumed it would be my username followed by '.heliohost.org'. But i can't find anything. Any help would be great in resolving this for me, thanks in advance Simion