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Posts posted by saate25

  1. hi djbob.thank you for your attantion.

    i do that:

    Please wait until "Server Load" under "Service Status" in your cPanel is below 4, and then try adding the domain again once. You will have to wait 24 hours after adding your domain for it to become active.

    but the problem stil exist.

    when i try to add saate25.ir in addon domain the error:

    Error from park wrapper: saate25.ir is already configured.

    but in addondomain page there is not any domain.in subdomain page,in filemanager,in webmail and other the domain saate25.ir exist.

    what should i do?

    can you remove (and add again) this domain(saate25.ir) in my account for me?

    thank you.

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