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Posts posted by ctfisep

  1. We offer unlimited external cron jobs, but the cron jobs you're talking about are limited to two per day. If you want to set up an external cron job just post a link to your script that can be reached by a browser and we'll set the cron job for you to execute as often as once every 5 minutes. For instance: ctfisep.heliohost.org/cron/process.php



    Okay perfect :)

    I'll pm you the link to the script, if it is fine to you.

  2. Hello guys :D!


    First of all, I'm really happy about my Ricky account - it has been working like a charm so far.

    I however noticed that message in the CronJobs section :


    Warning: Heliohost only allows two cron executions per day. That means you can run one job every 12 hours, or two jobs every 24 hours. Exceeding this limit will result in your account being suspended. If you need additional cron executions please contact support.
    Is there a way to uncap it ? (i.e. being able to execute a small php script every 2 minutes that does nothing most of the times).
    Have a good day/night :rolleyes:.
  3. Accounts go inactive when they get flagged for deletion, and stay that way until it actually deletes. If you wanted to cancel your deletion in the meantime, you can just renew it. Johnny is really backed up on his account management work though, so I'm not sure it'll even get deleted by tonight...you're 1 of 9 accounts waiting in line for a deletion, and deletions are processed after new sign ups (52 are waiting in line for that).


    I've put in a request to have that looked at because even Johnny doesn't usually back up this bad. When he does, it's usually because he got hung up restarting Apache and stopped working his queue entirely.


    Try signing up tonight and if it says the username or email is taken, it didn't delete yet. If I see your account finish its delete I'll let you know.


    Okay then, i'll just try to register with my account name tonight at Tommy.

    If it's still taken, I'll have to wait a few more time I guess (or register with ctfisep2 :D).


    Have a good time, and thanks for the awesome help :lol:

  4. Ahhh ok! I was wondering for a second how the forum account linked to the server account :D


    It's just created when an account is created in Heliohost, ok.


    Thanks for all, I'll update this topic once I hopefully get the Ricky account.



    EDIT : looks like i cannot delete the johnny account from "http://www.heliohost.org/classic/support/scripts/delete"

    "We're sorry, but we either could not find that account in the database, or it is not listed as active. Please contact an administrator if you feel this message is in error."


    Maybe is it due to the fact it has been manually un-queued and still isn't considered as active?




    "Your account has been suspended for inactivity. To keep your account active you need only log in to heliohost.org at least once every 30 days. Failure to log in often enough results in your account being flagged as inactive. If you would like to continue using this account you can renew it."


    Well that's weird ^^

  5. Just a heads up, Ricky allows more accounts than Tommy, so unless you need Java or ASP.NET, Ricky is easier to get an account on.


    Also, I've renamed your forum account so you can reuse your username too. Once you sign up, let me know and I'll rename it back for you.


    :o Okay perfect :) I'll be aiming for Ricky then, so that people who need ASP/Java will have more free spots.

    So I don't have to delete the account "ctfisep" on Johnny, i'll just have to make a new account with "ctfisep" on Ricky and tell you once it's done?


    Thanks for all the help,

    ~ Arnaud.

  6. Oh ok :o


    Well I'll be waiting for midnight and delete my account I guess :( Hopefully I get an account in your awesome website and service.

    I'd be glad to donate, but i've been a bit short of money lately, since I'm studying foreign, and code stuff for free (my website is a project to learn security to my friends of my school) :rolleyes:

    Farewell, and hopefully see you soon!

  7. Hello again guys :D

    I've got a last question.
    I've noticed that my server is extremely laggy most of the times (loading a page can take 1-3 min), and making a sql request between 10s to 1 min even if it's just a SELECT with 1 row).


    Is it due to the fact it is a free server? Have I misconfigured something? Or is it a global issue to everyone?


    Have a good day.



    EDIT :


    You picked Johnny which is our experimental server. Experimental servers are for people who just want to experiment with their code and don't care about uptime or speed. If you want a faster more reliable server we recommend moving your account to a production server like Ricky or Tommy.



  8. Ok perfect :)

    Another last question, my cPanel, and my website keep Timing out, or at least have to load for at least 3-5 min for each page.

    Is there a maintenance ingoing? Or is there any troubles with my server?


    "Internal Server Error 500 : The cPanel Server operation timed out at cpsrvrd.pl line 531."


    Have a very good day.



    EDIT : also, when I try to rename a database, I also get a :

    "(XID dvkdz5) The administrative request failed because of an error (ETIMEDOUT/110) with output: Timeout: Alarm"

    There definitely seem to be a timeout issue :x




    EDIT 2 : Seems to be working back again. I guess timeout shall happen sometimes :)

    Thanks for all.

    See you soon!

  9. I recursively applied 644 permission on my public_html folder.


    I can't display the files inside now xD .. and the website reads :

    You don't have permission to access /index.php on this server.





    EDIT : I changed back to 777, and I can see again the files. Should I put 644 on index.php to see it displayed properly?



    EDIT 2 : I changed it all to 755, looks to be working (+-), just got some php errors to fix but that's fine :D



    Thanks Mlex!

  10. Hello guys,


    I've created a new account yesterday, and registered my website as "ctfisep.org", deleting the "heliohost" part.
    Is it going to make the DNS bug?

    Indeed, when I connect to http://ctfisep.org, it reads the server doesn't exist. However, when I go to the IP of the server (which is specifed in the domains section of cPanel), it reads the Account is queued (even if It's been more than 24 hours, and even if I cleared my cache). It doesn't seem to be working properly.

    Moreover, the cPanel license now seems to be expired :(..
    Any help?


    Have a good day.

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