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  1. Hello, I can login my account now. Thanks so much for your support.
  2. Hello, Please help to re-activate my account: dattan010280@gmail.com. Thanks.
  3. Hello Krydos, Yes, I will do as your comment. Thanks for your clarification.
  4. Hello Krydos, First I deleted subdomain and see error "There was a problem removing the subdomain “abayaworld.daly.cf”. [A fatal error or timeout occurred while processing this directive.]", but look like deletion was successful. After that I re-added abayaworld.cf and got back error "The adminbin “park” in the “Cpanel” namespace call to function “ADD” ended prematurely: The subprocess ended prematurely because it received the “ALRM” (14) signal. [A fatal error or timeout occurred while processing this directive.]", but look like it was still OK. My problem has been resolved, but above infomation can help you optimize more. Thanks so much.
  5. Thanks for your support. Hello Byron, I tried to add abayaworld.cf to addon domain again and see the error "(XID 5kn7kq) A DNS entry for the domain “abayaworld.daly.cf” already exists". Please help to investigate. Thanks.
  6. Hello,I have added an addon domain abayaworld.cf, and now i need to remove it but i don't see it in addon domain list. Please help to check. My username is dattan, email is dattan@gmail.com. Thanks in advance.
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