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Everything posted by shihong

  1. Wow.. that's a fine bit of sleuthing there! Mystery solved hahaha *thumbs up* Have a great day ahead!
  2. Hello again Krydos! I have just created the new account shihong under Tommy and registered for a new domain. I remember clearly "neo.heliohost.org: was created with the old "shihong" account registered under Johnny, because that was my first ever experience with heliohost (and it was exciting) plus it was only 30+ hours ago. Hopefully it would be released for use again sometime. And I'm ready for my forum username to be changed back too. Thanks for your patience and dedication!
  3. Thanks for the quick reply Krydos! Yes I would like to proceed. Would an admin be able to change my username from "shihong0" to "shihong" directly on Tommy? There are no files to be ported so alternatively, it could be as simple as an admin creating an account "shihong" on Tommy for me while I delete the existing "shihong0" account via cPanel. In addition, "neo.heliohost.org" was created by me under the "shihong" account meant to be hosted on Johnny. I am unable to delete it as there is no access to login under "shihong" anymore. Would it ever be released for use again so I can reclaim it for hosting under Tommy? Just read on another forum post regarding a similar situation -- I would be happy to receive a Tommy invite to setup a new account while I delete the existing "shihong0" as well. Many thanks for your tireless support..
  4. Dear Krydos, I am a new user and wish to extend my appreciation for your fine service. I had attempted to create an account on Johnny yesterday and it was pending account creation. I shortly decided to delete that account (but unable to login to cPanel) in order to create a replacement account on Tommy instead. Today I have successfully created a new account on Tommy but my desired username and domain originally applied under Johnny are not available even though there is no such account under Johnny. May I request for my old account under Johnny to be deleted from account creation, and my new username/domain on Tommy to be changed to the old one for Johnny? Tldr: request to delete pending username "shihong" and domain "neo" on Johnny, and change existing username "shihong0" on Tommy to "shihong" and existing domain "neos" to "neo". Many thanks in advance!
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