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Everything posted by VirtualBox

  1. Hi djbob, OK I'll just wait.. By the way, what is the shared ip address for this free hosting? or
  2. username: koole primary domain: koole.heliohost.org addon domainn: koole.web.id I have added domain koole.web.id more than 3 days ago, but still unable to use that domain. The domain is didn't appear in addon list, but when I want to re-add, it says "Error from park wrapper: koole.web.id is already configured." Do I still have to wait the CPU load under 4? until when? Thank you
  3. OK then, but actually I have not been able to try it here, because it seems my account have not activated yet (I am a new member here). my primary domain is koole.heliohost.org, addon koole.web.id, and username koole. Thank you!
  4. Hi djbob, Yes I can use this script on the other free webhost
  5. Hi Admin, May I use telnet scripts like cgi-telnet or shell commander (php) on this free webhost? Because I do not see any restrictions for using it in the TOS. I often use this script for file management like chmod, renaming, moving file, etc. Thank you very much!
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