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Everything posted by erinhir

  1. It is a hotmail account. I use also a hotmail account, but I received an confirmation email. grtz Erinhir
  2. Thanks. Can you also check why he doesn't receive an email for activation of his forum account? grtz Erinhir
  3. Excuse me, but I have only 1 site, with username Erinhir. The other one is from my father, but because he cannot log in the forum I replied in his place. He cannot log in because he doesn't receive an activation email after registration. I already sent an email with this problem but I never got an answer. Erinhir
  4. Thanks. My sites are also down since yesterday morning. Username: erinhir Domain: woutervancaneghem.co.cc Username: bombadil Domain: wernervancaneghem.co.cc grtz Erinhir
  5. ok thanks, did not see this. Erinhir
  6. Hello, since today my website is all day not available. I get numerous errors, site not responding, tcp error, etc... Username is Erinhir. First time since I registered that I have a problem, the other days the uptime was about 95%. grt Erinhir
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