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  1. account : teniscp war file : Tennis.war Thanks
  2. Please try deploy again. account : teniscp war file : Tennis.war I've changed the user to "teniscp_postgres", that should be the problem. Thanks
  3. Please, could you check if the parameters below for access to postgres is correct? More specifically the user. account : teniscp server: localhost port: 5432 pdatabase: teniscp_tennisurl: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/teniscp_tennis user: teniscp or teniscp_postgres Thanks
  4. Does deploy generate an error log? Please try deploy again. account : teniscp war file : Tennis.war Thanks
  5. Every deploy has to be requested, I can not deploy myself? If so, what are the procedures for me to deploy?
  6. account : teniscp war file : Tennis.war Thanks
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