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  1. Your hint was good : the problem is solved. It came from the Allowed_hosts in settings : I forgot to put 'theochrone.ga' in it... Thank you very much !
  2. Thanks for your answer. The only software I use on the server are Django and an app I've made myself in Python called Theochrone. Have you a hint how this can cause the 400 error ?
  3. Thanks ! But I see now an error 400 : In Aliases, the link to which "theochrone.ga" redirect works. Where is the error ? Thanks again !
  4. Hello, sunday, in the evening, I have redirected this domain to my website in HelioHost. It is already in my aliases, but doesn't work. It only show the Account Queued page. Can you do something ? Thanks in advance !
  5. ... Thank you for your help... My message sounds pretty ridiculous actually. Thanks again.
  6. Hello everybody ! I tried to do this tutorial : http://wiki.helionet.org/Django . Unfortunately, it doesn't work at all. All I have is a 500 error : I think I made everything required, but unfortunately, that didn't work. However, there's something that I probably made bad : where should I put the .htcaccess ? IMHO, this could be better explained in the tutorial. And maybe there is a problem with the .htaccess example and the tree output provided below : it seems that only one 'hello' dir exist, but the .htaccess seems to require two : 'hello/hello/' If I have enough help, I'm volunteer to modify the wiki (if necessary). Thanks in advance !
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