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Posts posted by milkv

  1. That's caused by not using our name servers. You need to change your domain's name servers to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org in order to add the domain.

    Can you bind a domain name without using your name server?

  2. An error occurred while trying to create an alias. Park::park(ltxy.ml) failed: (XID zefqna) Sorry, the domain already points to an IP address that is not using a DNS server. Please transfer this domain to the server's name server, or ask the system administrator to add one of its name servers to /etc/ips.remotedns and add the appropriate A entry on the remote name server.


    HelioHost username: mymilk



    Check. There must be a link in the last mail you got from HelioHost.

    Is this one?




    Our admin have solved you problem. 

    In future, if you face this problem then you can renew you account by visiting https://www.heliohost.org/renew/


    NB: This time it is an exceptional case


    What about my data in the MySQL database? Can you help me recover the database data?


  4. 该帐户无法取消暂停,因为它涉及黑客攻击。通常情况下,我会向您发送邀请,但由于此问题,我们暂时无法创建新帐户:https//www.helionet.org/index/topic/33857-home1-unavailable-on-tommy/



    What about my data in the MySQL database? Can you help me recover the database data?

  5. My account can not log, account is milk_v@live.com, how to do?


    Unfortunately I am not able to log in to cpanel. At first I thought I had forgotten my password, but when I try to reset it I get the following error message:

    "Uh oh, there was an error changing your password. The admins have already been notified of the problem, but if you would like us to manually change your password for you please contact support. You could also try reseting your password again."

    I think the account has been archived due to not logging in for a long period of time, but I'm not sure. I have definitely gotten the password correct at least once, but I always get the "Invalid login" message.

    The username is milkv.

    Thank you.


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