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Everything posted by Rory

  1. In my experience how high up the google list depends upon two main factors: keywords actually on your home page (other search engines use the meta data) other related sites referencing yours. It is the related bit that counts. So yes get your site posted as far an wide as you can but on sites that are related to yours. Posting to forums, wikis' etc clearly can also gain you visitors because you can gain a reputation for knowing what you are talking about!
  2. Oops. I feel a bit silly now. I forgot to type in https:// before my website name!!!
  3. username: rdownes main domain: rdownes.heliohost.org add on domain: clinichours.info You have given me a dedicated IP, I have installed a certificate from startssl.com to clinichours.info and waited 24 hours. The padlock does not yet appear when I call up www.clinichours.info from a browser. Have I done something wrong? Thanks
  4. Thanks djbob. My domain is active again.
  5. Thanks djbob. I have now managed to re-add my domain and I shall wait the 24 hours for it to become active.
  6. Hi djbob, I will happily wait for the server load to come down and 24 hours for adding it to become active. However, it is active and I have already gone through adding it. Indeed parts of Cpanel think it is already there and parts think it is not! Have you misunderstood my issue or have I misunderstood you? Thanks
  7. I have been recommended to add to this thread. Username: rdownes main domain: rdownes.heliohost.org add on domain: clinichours.info I have created an add on domain called clinichours.info in the past. It is no longer listed but is active and when I try to re-add it I get a message saying it is already present. When I try to add a subdomain for it, it is listed as a domain for which I can create a subdomain but it fails saying it does not exist. Help! Thanks
  8. I have created an add on domain called clinichours.info in the past. It is no longer listed but is active and when I try to re-add it I get a message saying it is already present. When I try to add a subdomain for it, it is listed as a domain for which I can create a subdomain but it fails saying it does not exist. My username is rdownes and main domain is rdownes.heliohost.org. Help! Thanks
  9. Excellent. Thanks djbob
  10. Hi djbob and byron, Yes I have registered the domain www.clinichours.info and added it as an addon and as such I am waiting the 24 hours for it and the subdomian clinichours.rdownes.heliohost.org to show on cpanel. Thanks
  11. I plan to get a certificate from startssl.com. In my investigations I saw another post recommending them and they look good - and free for the basic certificate. I was just waiting for a subdomain to be created so that I can create the certificate based on this 'clinichours.rdownes.heliohost.org'. Now I have the subdomain, I am going to startssl.com. Yes I was aware that self signing might not be so good. Thanks I have just tried startssl.com and it says I have to validate the domain and I can not validate my subdomain. However, I can not validate heliohost.org as I do not own it! How do I get around this - I have seen posts from others who have done it? Thanks Sorry - senior moment - the answer to my own question is register a domain! Thanks and looking forward to the dedicated IP.
  12. Thanks Byron I can see it now. I shall be more patient in future.
  13. Each time I create a subdomain called 'clinichours' to may main domain rdownes.heliohost.org cpanel says that it has created it but when I click 'go back' the new subdomain is not showing either on the subdomain page or the home page of cpanel. I also tried the subdomain in the browser and I get a 404 message. My username is rdownes. Thanks
  14. Hi, I am new here and I wish to install an SSL certificate to my site. I believe that this requires a dedicated IP. I have read in other threads in this forum that you can give me a dedicated IP address to allow me to do this. Can I have one please? My username is rdownes and my domain is rdownes.heliohost.org. Thanks
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