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Everything posted by evezers2

  1. Yes, it works. Thank you, wolstech!
  2. Now I'm able to login into account, thank you, Krydos! But now I can't add my previous addon domain evezers.cf (XID gheuvb) A DNS entry for “evezers.cf” already exists. You must remove this DNS entry from this server or all servers in the DNS cluster to proceed. Cpanel account: evezers
  3. No, it still doesn't work
  4. Sorry, but it's not working. Account Status still says about back up...
  5. I received Tommy invitation and registered new Tommy account on old domain, but Account Status says, that my account still backed up. Please release the domain evezers.heliohost.org from the DNS cluster.
  6. I'm reopen browser(I'm using Firefox), clear all data, clear DNS cache in Windows and Android tablet(Chrome). I don't know, what else I can do? But in Edge site opened! Means, it's Firefox's problem. I can't solve it. Ok, I can watch my site in Edge... This question solved.
  7. Very strange! I clear all caches in all my devices, but I'm continue seeing Queued Page! In anonymizer site is available! Сan provider have its cache?
  8. Hello I successfully moved to server Tommy. I again create addon domain. It was created, but now opening only www version. I think, my domain evezers.cf was deleted not correctly on Johnny, because link to cPanel on Queued Page directs to Johnny server. Can you delete domain record on Johnny?
  9. Hello again I decided to move to server Tommy. Can you delete my forum account? I want to use my username again. Thank you very match for support.
  10. Hello I have very slow connection, which often disconnect. And now, when cPanel tried to create for me addon domain, connection interrupted. Domain wasn't added. I tried to add it again, but cPanel wrote me: (XID 26x3he) The domain “evezers.cf” already exists in the Apache configuration. Can you help me? P.S. If I wrote something wrong, I'm sorry, I don't speak English.
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