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  1. Hm that's weird, I was sure I had logged in not long ago. Thanks anyways!
  2. Username: pipe0482 Server: tommy Main domain: pipe0482.heliohost.org
  3. Let's hope nothing bad happened over there.
  4. Yup, thanks!
  5. Yup, that's what I'm doing right now.
  6. I've got a few DLL files that I want to download from somewhere else, however when I go to its URL, the page loads for a while and then gives a ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE. I guess this is caused by ASP.NET, in which case, is there any way to stop it from executing files inside certain folders? If not, please disable ASP.NET.
  7. Yeah never mind, turns out I was logging in with a test account I made which was indeed archived. Thanks anyway.
  8. Username: pipe0482 Server: Tommy Main domain: pipe0481.heliohost.org Thanks!
  9. Don't get me wrong, I'm totally fine with using Mono, I was just asking to see if that was the problem. I just created a project in MonoDevelop and uploaded it and it still doesn't work, so I guess it isn't. Sorry if I'm being a bit annoying, I just really want to try this out.
  10. Does it have to be Mono?
  11. It isn't an actually empty project, it has code and some views in it. Also, AFAIK aspx isn't used in MVC. EDIT: I tried uploading it to the WWW root, doesn't work either. Also, here's the contents: https://www.dropbox.com/s/oh2yux2sry3ctlc/PublishOutput.zip?dl=0
  12. I created an empty ASP.NET MVC project in VS 2017 and uploaded it right away to the folder /mvctest, and this is what I'm getting: https://imgur.com/a/MoEw0 Do I have to upload it to the html root?
  13. Should I upload the site via FTP? I already tried doing so and it didn't upload the site, it finished with no errors but there were no files on the remote folder. I think it's a problem with my Visual Studio, because other people have the same problem, but I can't update it because I have no disk space. Or maybe it's because I think I used .NET Core.
  14. I've started to learn ASP.Net, and I've figured out what ASP.Net MVC is, and it looks awesome! But, from what I can tell, it's not the same as the .aspx script pages, so can I use MVC here? Thanks.
  15. I guess 500 attempts to guess my password are too many...
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