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Posts posted by darkapec

  1. Hello,


    I am a new member, my website is currently still in "Queued" status. I have submitted payment for dedicated IP.


    Domain: notdellfs.com

    Username: darkapec

    Server: Stevie


    Paypal Unique Transaction ID #4DK19539XX734774R

    Item Title: Dedicated IP Purchase Item Number: 1 Date: Jul 21, 2013 Time: 23:40:45 EDT Status: Completed




  2. Hope you guys are able to get this fixed soon. If it's any help I have about 90mb of stuff on my account that I don't need. The account is darkapec and the domain is www.darkapec.net. You can remove all the fantastico stuff. I am currently just using Heliohost to forward my domain to my server in my basement. My ISP blocks port 80 so I need a host to redirect the port. I use to host my website here, but I don't need the data in 2 places.


    Hope that helps a little

    (sounds like you guys need some new hard drives)

    (I have a couple terabytes sitting around let me know if they will be of any use)



  3. Hello,


    I own multiple top level domains. With hosts in the past they have allowed me to control them all under one account. Is that possible here? I was able to add 2 top level domains but I am not able to control both of them (if that makes sense). I added the .net one when I created the account, so I basically only have control over that one. Do I have to delete my account and then create a new one a start the account with the .com in order to control the .com?


    Wow that is confusing... sorry couldn't think of a better way to explain it without making it a page long.

    domain www.darkapec.net and www.darkapec.com

    username darkapec




  4. Sorry, but we already have around 40 ftpd processes running at any given time :(


    You'll have to make due with a single connection.


    Ok thank you, I was able to get NVU to work reasonably by setting it to only download the html stuff not the pictures etc. So if anyone else is having problems adjust your NVU settings you will still get error messages but everything will work the way it is suppose to.


  5. I have been using NVU for a long time and find it very convenient to be able to view or edit all the files / folders on my website from NVU. I noticed under the FTP settings in CPanel heliohost supports single ftp transfer programs like filezilla. When I use nvu to try and open my index.html I get an error saying to many connections are open and the index.html refuses to load any further. Is it at all possible to make this work? There are not any settings in NVU to limit its parallel connections. Would you guys be able to change some settings on my domain to make NVU comply?


    I understand if you won't because the server cant handle it or because then a bunch of people will be asking you to do the same thing. But if there is something already in place to allow this please let me know.




  6. Hello,

    I am a new member (I recently switched host). I really love the CPanel you guys have... anyway back to the issue, every time I try to install something via fantastico I get the following.


    "Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 71 bytes) in /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/fantastico//includes/enc_check.inc.php on line 378"


    I have only have CPanel up and running for about a day now, but I have tried installing different things many times now. I will try to install something wait a few hours and try again etc.


    I saw a similar post here



    it talks about it at the end. I also read another thing about how I should wait until the server load is low. Every time I have tried the the memory usage on the server has been around 50% and the cpu was around 5.


    Thanks in advance


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