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About Pearl

  • Birthday 09/29/1990

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  1. Actually, ImageMagick is still not installed... I've looked under the "Show System Installed Modules" list in "Perl Modules" from CPanel, and there's no Image::Magick. There's Image::Size though, but no Image::Magick. I've searched on the forum a bit, and I found out that I need root access to install Perl Modules, which I don't. Can someone install it for me?
  2. I have Movable Type 5 (a content management system) installed on my site, and it keeps saying Image::Magick is not correctly installed:
  3. I tried to install the Image::Magick Perl Module through CPanel, but it always gives me an error. It says "Installation seems impossible". Also, the failed installation takes up disk space, and has to be manually cleared out. Can anyone please fix this for me?
  4. Yes. I am fully aware of that. I would still like to request a dedicated IP. If needed, I will get a certificate from StartSSL. Thanks.
  5. I need a dedicated IP for SSL encryption. I already have a self-signed certificate made from CPanel. Username: Pearl (same as my forum username) Domain: umineko.cz.cc Thanks.
  6. No, he didn't give me a dedicateed IP yet. But for some reason the CPanel tells me that my dedicated IP is Should I apply for a dedicated IP so my SSL would work? If so, how?
  7. I don't understand why this is happening, but every time I upload my self-signed certificate to the CPanel SSL Manager, it works for a while, then it gets replaced by someone else's. Most of the time I get sent to a page with RapidLeech, PHProxy and stuff like that, and none of this stuff is in my site directory. My domain is umineko.cz.cc. Could anyone please take a look for me? Thanks.
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