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Everything posted by SteveB

  1. I moved my domain to helihost (baumeisterweb.com) and would like to move it back to my previous host without having to wait for my account to expire. In fact, I would like to keep my account, I just want to use it without my domain name being attached. Is there anyway to do that? I would prefer not to wait for the account to expire, and than have to recreate it. Is there anything you can do? My information is below: Username: smbadmin (note: case sensitive!) Domain: baumeisterweb.com Thanks, Steve:)
  2. Ok. Thanks for correcting me on the username. I had trouble getting the signup page to work, and tried several before I got it to work. That must have caused me to be unsure of what I ended up with. I think I have it all worked out now. Sorry to have been confused about what I had entered when I signed up. Thanks, Steve:)
  3. Maybe I assumed too much. If you can help, I assumed you would have access to account information and based on my forum name, have access to the info you are requesting. The user name is: sbaumeister The domain name is: baumeisterweb.com My correct e-mail is: steve.baumeister@me.com FYI- when I first setup the account, I foolishly tried using my existing domain e-mail address of: steve@baumeisterweb.com So, this may be preventing me from receiving the password reset e-mails. I changed my forum e-mail to steve.baumeister@me.com, but that has not helped. Hopefully, that is enough information for you to help me. If you need something else, please let me know. Thanks, Steve:)
  4. Ok. It's been almost 72 hours since I created my account and I still cannot log into my cPanel. I have tried the password reset option, but never get the email. I've even checked my spam filter and found nothing. Help!
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