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Everything posted by hasson

  1. https://puu.sh/w7B7v/32a6756188.png can i get my invite pls elntion@gmail.com I payed you with my paypal
  2. I just want to know which server has the best uptime :\ i may register to ricky but im not sure if you could delete the fastdl acc aswell iil appreciate that
  3. yes i do want to change i changed my server while i was waiting
  4. Username: fastdl Domain: hasson.heliohost.org Server: Johnny ---> Ricky P.s | I used this domain on other server and i wanted to switch server. After the creation i wasnt able to use my old username: " hasson " only the domainif you could change this i will be more than happy i transfered to Ricky and still waiting in queue :\ If you could transfer me to Tommy i will be more than happy
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