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Everything posted by LaLa

  1. OK, I added this domain again. And it seems everything is all right so far. Thanks for all the help.
  2. When I try to remove my addon domain "ilala.tk" from cPanel. An error occurred: "Error from park wrapper: Sorry, you do not control the domain ilala.tk". Because I still can't access my website from this domain. So I want to remove it and add it again. djbob asked me: "Are you sure you've registered this domain name?" Yes, of course I have. And I have already pointed my name server to "ns1.heliohost.org" and "ns2.heliohost.org". Who can tell me why? Thanks.
  3. I think I have figured out the problem. The DNS zone file have been deleted for unknown reason. I have reseted the zone file. Waiting for the DNS to refresh cache.
  4. Several days ago. Yes, of course. I can't visit my website yet.
  5. Dear admin: There is a problem with my domain's nameserver(ns1.heliohost.org, ns2.heliohost.org). When I ping my domain. It says: Ping request could not find host ilala.tk. Please check the name and try again. And when I check my domain's IP cache on OpenDNS. The result is SERVFAIL.(The domain's nameserver had an internal error while processing the requests, due to load or other errors.) My AddonDomain is ilala.tk. My main domain is alpha.heliohost.org.
  6. Now, the Server Load is 1.84. And I've added the domain again. Looking forward to seeing what will happen in 24 hours. Thanks, djbob! ease, guy. djbob will deal with this issue.
  7. Dear djbob: Thanks, lala
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