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  1. problem solved. it wasn't taking the password because pwd requirements now include numbers. is the Morty server available?
  2. username: lemmy728 server: Tommy main domain: bm.heliohost.org got an email about lack of activity, it says login to your control panel. but login won't take username and password. did the Morty server get up and running yet? I would transfer to that so I don't have to login every 30 days.
  3. speaking of security vulnerabilities, what was the reason again for having a seperate forum handle that's different from the username you log in with?
  4. I already can connect FTP with the admin account. but I want to add an FTP user that has limited directory access. there is documentation for Plesk on how to do this but the features are not found in this implementation of Plesk. I tried adding another user with access to "applications" and granted permission to upload files, but that doesn't seem to allow that user to connect with FTP let alone limit directory access to anything. how do you do it?
  5. never mind, there was 1 character missing in the middle of the pwd
  6. right now if I go to heliohost.org/dashboard like I have been using, it rolls over to heliohost.org/login. don't remember which URL I used last time but 12 days ago I logged in to control panel no problem like I do every month. now it won't let me log in. error message= "Unable to login with that username and password." tried the Reset Password option, it says "Resetting your Plesk password on your own isn't implemented yet. In the meantime an admin can send you a reset link via email. Just open a support ticket and let us know your username."
  7. logged into control panel successfully 12 days ago but now it no workie ?? why u no workie
  8. then how do you get email working on your VPS?
  9. I liked cPanel better. (aside from them jacking heliohost) anyways Plesk has a demo page if you want to check it out. https://docs.plesk.com/try-plesk-now/
  10. it was unlocked last night, after viewing it hasn't been used since, but as of right now it is locked again.
  11. username: lemmy728 server: tommy domain: bm.heliohost.org
  12. no. nothing but an index.html and that's it. was playing around with .php scripts in that folder earlier, but they have been deleted. I created another directory for troubleshooting. that has no index.html or index.php just some random files. browsing to that directory lists the contents. it doesn't do this with the /test/ directory. (btw /test/ is an example, not an actual directory)
  13. I have an .index.html in a directory, such as /public_html/test/, but when you browse to http://example.heliohost.org/test/ it automatically gives you http://example.heliohost.org/test/index.php/ and pops a 404 error. note, it's going to a directory named /index.php/ you have to specifically type http://example.heliohost.org/test/index.html to get that page. the root directory has index.html which does work. I haven't messed with any .htacccess the /test/ directory has no .htaccess how do I fix this? lemmy728 bm.heliohost.org tommy
  14. inherit (7.2): installed 5.4: installed 5.5: not installed 5.6: not installed 7.0: not installed 7.1: installed 7.2: installed 7.3: installed
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