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Everything posted by Ryutso

  1. Ryutso

    Addon Domains?

    Yes you can. I think your getting confused. With my account here: http://byrondallas.heliohost.org I can create a seperate folder called alpha1omega and turn it into an addon domain called: http://alpha1omega.uni.cc and people will go to that domain through that domain name and it will be a totally seprate account. It will have it's own ftp so that you don't even go through the main accounts ftp. But people can still get to http://alpha1omega.uni.cc by typing "http://byrondallas.heliohost.org/alpha1omega". I don't want that. I don't want people to be able to type "site1.com/site2" and get to the second site.
  2. Ryutso

    Addon Domains?

    That's correct. You can't have two totally seperate domains in your root folder. You'll have to create another folder to have an addon domain. That folder will then have it's own cgi-bin and ftp. You can add another Parked domain and have two seperate domain names going to your heliohost account. So I can't host two totally different, completely separate sites under one account?
  3. Ryutso

    Addon Domains?

    Oh so people will still be able to get to the addon domain from the main domain. Would I have to do something to have 2 totally separate sites on my 1 account? Like I want site1.com and site2.com to be hosted in my root folder.
  4. Ryutso

    Addon Domains?

    So one will point to a folder called "sfajkadfhkdfjhg" and the other will point to a folder called "thkjuhslvjk" right? But will it say "www.site1.com/sfajkadfhkdfjhg" in the URL?
  5. Does an addon domain mean that I can host 2 domains from one account as long as I point them at the heliohost nameservers?
  6. I also got this error when installing wordpress: Install WordPress (2/3) And the server load is low according to my cPanel.
  7. It's up, but there's no like default index page. Huh, this is new. Thanks for getting my account up so fast.
  8. Is there an ETA on when the system will be up?
  9. Okay, I signed up using the option for my own domain (since I already had one). I plugged the nameservers into my DNS settings on my registrar (1and1 in case the info helps anybody) and waited. Now, more than 24 hours later, I'm still seeing the 1and1 splash page for my domain. I also can't login to my domain's cpanel, nor can I login to HelioHost's cPanel thing on the front page. Is this HelioHost or 1and1's fault?
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