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ziad87 last won the day on May 7 2018

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  1. Hm, I had created a CentOS VM with cPanel installed yet I couldn't get anything weird out of /tmp Ill remove the deny from all for now, please let me know if /tmp fills up with anything weird.
  2. Yeah, that is normal. It means your account is on the new NAS. (As in the /home1/)
  3. Okay, I'll debug once I'm back.
  4. Hmm, okay. Could I maybe get a backup (everything, including mysql), so I could check if my /tmp fills up?
  5. Hmm, I'm not sure. I have a lot of things and can't check.. What kind of tempdata did it store, if you still have some by any chance?
  6. Hello, may I please ask why my account was suspended? Heliohost username: ziad87Server: TommyI'm guessing this is for CPU usage or full disk space..
  7. How do they DDoS? Do they just keep wasting bandwidth? Can't there be a way to add some extra firewall rules?
  8. Oh, that's why I wasn't able to reproduce it. My account is on /home not /home1 It is possible, but isn't the NAS and Tommy both on the same local network? Isn't the null routing only effective outside?
  9. I don't think the cpanel problem is related to the attack, since its file creation error.
  10. Huh. The /cgi-sys/defaultwebpage.cgi isnt automatically redirected but instead to Rax Software. Edit: What happened to your load gifs? It says [down] but its clearly up. Edit 2: Also, the ssl certificate is invalid, and its apparently for rax2.heliohost.org https://rax2.heliohost.org The same cert is on https://tommy.heliohost.org/
  11. http://he.net is the datacenter provider they use. As for http://stress.wtf, it is possible but I'm not sure. Edit: Also, was it null routed or is it still live? cpsrvd seems to be working again, but maybe you could restart apache from WHM?
  12. Seems to be half working at times, but only barely. Even cpsrvd barely responds. It seems Cody has taken a hit too. Helionet.org and Heliohost.org seem to be slower than usual.
  13. There should be a feature in cpanel called Anonymous FTP, maybe the admins could enable it. Or, you could simply drop the file into your public_html and direct them to example.com/file.ext
  14. Usually a few hours, but soon on Johnny it may take months.
  15. ziad87

    Johnny's Rebirth

    Sign ups are on a daily basis. When sign ups are full, they reset on midnight UTC. Then you can sign up. After Johnny is more stable, he will have unlimited sign ups per day.
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