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Everything posted by martinca

  1. You are right, I was wrong in the first post. I need to work with the user martinc1_mcasalis to the database martinc1_ticketspostventa.
  2. It gives me the following error. FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", user "martinc1_mcasalis" database "martinc1_ticketspostventa", SSL off
  3. good afternoonI appreciate if you can add the user martinc1_mcasalis to the martinc1_testsystel database, in the pg_hba.conf Thank you
  4. Goodnight.My username is martinca1 and I have created a database martinc1_testsystel to which I want to connect from an external service (PGADMIN) using the user martinc1_mcasalis.The problem is that it rejects me, for the following error: FALAT: no pg_hba.conf entry for host, user martinc1_mcasalis, database martinc1_testsystel, SSL off.Can you help me configure pg_hba.conf so that it has external access?Thank you.
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