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  1. login is ok now,thank you.
  2. I can not login my account:java1234 could you send me a reset password mail? Thank you!
  3. It's working. Thank you very much!
  4. My account name is java1234 and I would like to add one domain (itinjp.com) to my account. The problem is itinjp.com was an alias domain now, could you help me to delete the alias domain itinjp.com, and re-added itinjp.com as a normal domain? Thank you.
  5. ok, i deleted my email account and i 'll check email sender in my website. Thank you very much.
  6. My account was suspended, could you help me unsuspend it? a. HelioHost username:java1234 b. the server your account is on:tommy c. your HelioHost main domain:java123.xyz Thank you.
  7. account is already at Tommy,noneed send activity mail. thanks alot.
  8. Thank you,my email is houjinyang#gmail.com(remove#to@),could you send me a new invitation for Tommy?
  9. Thank you,my new account is java1234 on Ricky,and domain is java1234@heliohost.org . can you help me to delete this account? i don't know how todelete it.
  10. Fllowing the invitation,i finally got a ricky server. but i want a tommy server,what shoud i do?
  11. a.- My username is: java1to3 b.- My server is: Tommy c.- My domain is: java1to3.heliohost.org Thank you!
  12. I want call the solr service to indexs some content by java, how could i do it?
  13. It's great! So I don't need to deploy this war file. Thank you.
  14. I have requested for unsuspended. http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/28476-suspended-java1to3/ My war file contains the solr service, I don't know does the heliohost allowed deploy the solr service, if not , I will deleted this war file after my account has unsuspended. Thank you.
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