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Everything posted by kevingor

  1. need to add www.operaconsultas.com.ar to my account. Its an extra domain, its DNS its already sending it to here.
  2. Hey, just got back my old account. And wanted to change the formwarding. My original website was gorisnic.com.ar and was forwarding to keygi.desing (but cant use that one any more) The keygi.design use to forward to be.net/kevingoris (my behance porftolio) Would like to change the forward to the behance porfolio directly, but couldnt find how to. Or how to add a new domain to my account to start from cero.
  3. could your remove an other domain of mine from the DNS cluster? Its www.operaconsultas.com.ar Thanks
  4. How do I escalate the request?
  5. Would love to clean 2 domains so i can use them in my new ricky account and if possible delete that data from old account used in tommy. the domains are: gorisnic.com.ar purosdisenos.com.mx accounts in tommy: as both have been made with new account names kevingor anilloz
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