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  1. Hi, I've seen this design used but I can't quite figure out how its done. It looks like its done in PHP or CSS, or some kind of HTML? I can't exactly describe it, so I attached a picture so you can understand what I mean. How is this done? Where the arrows you click can scroll you to the next page, and it slides. I'm sorry I can't describe this better >_< . If anybody knows how or has a script/code they can share with me I'd be very thankful. xD I'm dying to know how to do it because I could design such pretty sites. ;P edit* oh, they might also be div things that scroll, I think I've heard of that before, but I have no idea how to start using it. xP
  2. Oh, okay. I read everything and its so thorough xD thankyou.
  3. It seems like alot of space, especially for a small website. How much GB does HelioHost give in terms of webspace and bandwidth? Also, what would be the normal amount of space and bandwidth for most websites?
  4. Thankyou sooo much ;D !
  5. I voted probably. I think its fine as it is xD even if it may be nice to have other topics, I like how this forum is clean and simple, and to the point, so that I can get support and help and such easier. Then the few other topics are for fun ;D I really like the forums setup.
  6. North America! ^.^ HelioHost seems to be full of people of all regions!
  7. Definitely Firefox and/or Chrome! They are the fastest and most aesthetically pleasing browsers I have ever used. <3 IE to me, was good before it got all updated with the newer versions and stuff. I mean the old school IE, the design was more simple and it was faster. Now whenever I use it it seems so crowded to me, and its VERY laggy--soo I don't ever really use it much. But my favorite is Google Chrome. (:
  8. Hi, I wish to change my main domain to a different one, how do I do this? I cant seem to find and option for this anywhere in cPanel My site is commacats.net and I'd like to change it to my new domain name. Thankyou! :3 edit: I've looked around and it looks like an admin or owner of heliohost has to change this for me. ;P username: roxie69 domain i want as main: sans-etoile.net I already have the nameservers set to NS1.HELIOHOST.ORG and NS2.HELIOHOST.ORG, I think those are the correct nameservers. Thanks
  9. Hey, everything is working okay now, I just had to wait a while longer. Thanks
  10. Hi! First, I want to thank anyone who takes the time to read this and help me out...I don't think I've ever seen a free internet host that offers so much for FREE. This is ideal for my small personal website thankyou SOOsosooSO much to whoever runs this place. (: Now...I recently signed up and I have my own domain name from Go Daddy. I've set the nameservers correctly: NS1.HELIOHOST.ORG NS2.HELIOHOST.ORG and it has been a while and when I try to go to my site I see no sign of the cPanel or anything the website D; ! The domain is commacats.net , so should'nt I be able to go there from http://commacats.net/cpanel? Also, if I even try to log into the cPanel from the website it says login failed. Should I wait it out a while longer and then see what happens? Or what should I do? Thankyou ! **edit: Oh, I just saw that it could take up to 48 hours for everything to be up and running. >.< so, is it normal that even though I have my nameservers correctly set to HelioHost trying to go to my website takes me nowhere, and why I can't log into cPanel?
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