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Posts posted by Wukl

  1. Hi.


    When I try to signup from my computer, situated in The Netherlands, I get a message that the server encountered an error.

    We're sorry, but an error was encountered during signup. Please try again later.

    So, I try again later. First, about an hour later. The same message. Then I tried the next day. Again the same message. A week later, I tried again. And (why not?) the same message.

    I tried a proxy server in the United States, but the reCAPTCHA didn't show up, so I clicked the 'Get a new challenge' button. I got

    Input error: Invalid reference

    instead of a Captcha.


    The main question is, why can't I signup? I have registered before with a proxy server, but I deleted the account because I thought I found a better host (while HelioHost was much better).

  2. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
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    This is the code for my pagetracker in my CMS.

    I'm working on the second version of my CMS, so I had to copy it.

  3. My (no, 'our') website is Banaanvraag. I code the CMS and three friends fill it with content. They are Waflix (Waf = Dutch for what a dog 'says' and 'lix' is a part of his real name), Raul (?) and Pinda (Dutch for peanut). A big part of the site is in Dutch, so you are aware of it.

  4. Hi, I'm Wukl (that's not my real name, of course) and I come from The Netherlands. I'm the webmaster of Banaanvraag Webmedia and our previous hosting service couldn't even display a simple HTML-page without waiting too long. There servers crashed almost daily so I decided to search a new hosting service. HelioHost is much better then our previous host. I'm learning English, so I can make a mistake sometimes.

  5. I think evolution is real. If there was an God or some sort of 'energy' then the whole world would be perfect. We are just very fragile piles of organs, and some (like the appendix) don't have any task. A god would not create such a thing. If I was a god, I would create perfect organisms. Evolution can't do that.

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