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Everything posted by MihailProg

  1. I have always wanted to make one, so i grabbed Mono and i codded a web server using a heavily modified version of jeske's Simple HTTP Class. It can currently load custom DLLs (called Engines) or compile C# Scripts and run them while it is running, the compile method is a lot slower but it is more flexible. It currently isn't very tested because of the project's age, so i cannot be sure if it is stable but here it is, the MSiteFramework, I host the project on GitHub, and the Project URL is: https://github.com/mihail-rotmg/MSiteFramework/ Any feedback and contribution would be appreciated. Few notes on installing: Use Mono if you run Linux;If you have Windows, compile using Visual Studio (msbuild);Release isn't compatible with Windows because of a bug (fixed in 5b1067a);Although the Engine "mse2_0.dll" is most stable it is the newest, so it lacks features - use "mse1_0.dll";Compiling C# Scripts isn't currently compatible with "mse2_0.dll";We recommend you to build your own Engine if you have experience with C#;
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